Articles Posted in Pedestrian Accidents

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pedestrian-accident-injury-attorneys-lawyers-LosAngelesWhat Pedestrians Injured in Los Angeles Accidents Need to Know

Los Angeles is infamous for its heavy traffic and fast-paced lifestyle. Unfortunately, these characteristics also contribute to a higher incidence of pedestrian accidents. If you or a loved one has been injured in a pedestrian accident in Los Angeles, it’s crucial to understand the statistics, your rights, and the resources available to help you navigate this challenging time.

The Stark Reality: Pedestrian Accident Statistics in Los Angeles

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Los Angeles, renowned for its diverse neighborhoods, vibrant culture, and bustling streets, is a city of contrasts. While it’s a place of dreams and innovation, it also struggles with significant challenges – one of which is the issue of pedestrian safety. This blog post aims to shed light on the critical issue of pedestrian accidents in Los Angeles, backed by stark and sobering statistics.

The Reality of Pedestrian Accidents in LA

Pedestrian accidents in Los Angeles are unfortunately all too common. According to a study from the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT), pedestrian fatalities represent a substantial percentage of traffic deaths in the city 1. This statistic serves as a stark reminder of the risk that pedestrians face on LA’s streets daily. But what are the factors that contribute to this unsettling incidence of pedestrian accidents?

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Los-Angeles-Crosswalk-Accident-AttorneysAs Los Angeles pedestrian accident attorneys and injury lawyers, we see the City of L.A. as unfortunately a hotbed of auto v. pedestrian accidents. Los Angeles is a city known for its car culture, where driving is often the primary mode of transportation. However, this means that pedestrians in Los Angeles face significant risks on a daily basis. According to recent statistics, Los Angeles has one of the highest rates of pedestrian accidents in the country, with hundreds of fatalities and thousands of injuries reported each year. In this article, we will explore the dangers of pedestrian accidents in Los Angeles and what can be done to prevent them.

Factors Contributing to Pedestrian Accidents

There are several factors that contribute to pedestrian accidents in Los Angeles. One of the most significant is the high volume of traffic on the city’s roads. With so many cars on the road, drivers may become distracted, speeding, or fail to yield to pedestrians in crosswalks or other areas.

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Los-Angeles-Pedestrian-Accident-LawyersPedestrian fatalities have been increasing across the U.S. In 2021 alone, the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) reported that an estimated 7.485 pedestrians were killed in the U.S. The GHSA reports that was a 12% increase in the number of pedestrian fatalities over those who were killed in 2020. The GHSA also reports that the number of pedestrian fatalities in 2021 was the largest in four decades.

While the overall pedestrian fatalities in California decreased in 2021 from those killed in 2020, the same is not true for Los Angeles. In LA, 289 people were killed in pedestrian accidents through Dec. 25, 2021. This represented a 21% increase over 2020. A recent report also reveals that Los Angeles has been rated as the second-deadliest city in the U.S. for pedestrians. Here’s what you need to know about this report and what it means for pedestrians in Los Angeles.

Study Shows Los Angeles Dangerous for Pedestrians

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Pedestrian-Accident-Injury-LawyerThe number of pedestrian accident injuries and fatalities has sharply risen both in California and across the U.S. People can be seriously injured or killed when they are struck by motor vehicles while they are walking. There are several factors that have contributed to the increase in pedestrian deaths and injuries. Both pedestrians and motorists should take steps to minimize the risk of being involved in accidents. Pedestrians who are injured and the families of pedestrians who are killed in accidents may have legal rights to recover compensation for the losses that they have suffered.

Pedestrian accident statistics

The Governors Highway Safety Association recently released a report that showed that pedestrian fatalities in 2018 were at a 28-year high. During 2018, 6,227 people were killed in pedestrian accidents. This was a 4 percent year-over-year increase from 2017 and was the highest number of pedestrian deaths since 1990.

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abogado, accidentes, peatones, Los Angeles, CaliforniaSoy abogado de accidente de peatones Los Angeles y otras cuidades de California y he visto la vida de muchas personas quedan devastadas por las graves lesiones y muertes causadas por estos eventos catastróficos.  Accidentes de peatones ocurren con mucha más frecuencia en las grandes ciudades como Los Ángeles, San Francisco y San Diego y otras ciudades en California, la población está en los millones de y esto se hincha con la afluencia de turistas también cada año. Debido a que las cosas están tan cerca y el aparcamiento y el tráfico puede ser difícil a veces, muchas personas optan por caminar, skate board, patines, trotar o correr. Desafortunadamente, muchas más personas utilizan automóviles, camiones o vehículos utilitarios deportivos de moverse y cuando los caminantes, corredores, patinadores o personas en patines interactúan con los vehículos de motor, los accidentes pueden suceder. Esto podría ser en una acera, en una intersección, en un paso de peatones o en la calle. Muchas veces esto sucede con los niños alrededor de las escuelas o jugar en o alrededor de los caminos vecinales. Esto sucede en todo el sur de California de las zonas urbanas, como el sur y el centro de Los Ángeles a las comunidades de playa como Santa Mónica, Venecia o Huntington Beach.

¿Cuáles son algunas de las causas más comunes de los automóviles que chocan con los caminantes?

Los conductores terminan golpeando peatones por un número de razones, que incluyen pero no se limitan a:

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